1. Depression and anxiety
It is due to external circumstances and person taking unnecessar
2. OCD
Person has developed a habit of washing /checking after covid
3. Psychosis :
Person must be violent and dangerous to be around.
4. Alcohol / nicotine/ mobile/ any addiction :
Person is irresponsible and does not care about family and society or lacks willpower .
5. Depression occurs as a result of a severe stress .
6. Anxiety can not cause physical symptoms .
7. You will get dependent on these medicines.
8.Psychiatry only involves ‘crazy’ people.
9. Mental illness is uncommon.
10. Psychiatric drugs will change your personality.
11. You only need to take care of your mental health if you have a mental health condition.
12. Children can not have mental illness as they have no big tensions.
13. Sucide can not be prevented.
14. Psychotic person can not be treated.
15. If the cause of any physical symptoms like abdominal pain is psychogenic then person must be faking it.
- Depression and anxiety :
- occurs due to disturbance of neurochemicals which is not in control of a person and requires proper treatment.
- 2. OCD:
Caused due to abnormal neural loop formation between parts of brain and is completely manageable with treatment.
3. Psychosis:
Person doesn’t know he is ill and might be afraid that others might harm him. With few weeks of treatment, person becomes much improved.
4. Alcohol / nicotine/ mobile/ any addiction :
At this stage, person is bound to take alcohol/ drug to ward off very distressing withdrawal symptoms and craving despite having guilt.
5. Person having no stress at all can suffer from depression.
6. Anxiety can cause multiple physical symptoms like
chest pain/ palpitations/numbness and tingling in limbs/ pain in any part of the body/indigestion .
7. Only few medicines cause dependence like alprazolam that too when taken without doctors advised
8. Majority of patients psychiatrists deal with are not psychotic and related to deficiency of chemical
9. 1 in every 5 individuals suffers from mental illness in their lifetime according to NIMH
10. Only personality change that can occur is positive, free of negative thoughts and anxiety.
11. Only personality change that can occur is positive, free of negative thoughts and
12. 14% of world’s adolescents experience mental health problems.
13. Very much preventable if treatment is taken at appropriate time.
14. Psychotic illness usually responds very well to medications and person can live and work like any other.
15. Pain or discomfort experienced is as real as any physical illness, just the origin of it is psychological.