From The Director’s Desk

Home From the Director’s Desk

From The Director’s Desk

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta

KSSH was started in 2011. Every step the hospital has taken since then has been in the direction of bringing national as well as international standards of healthcare within the reach of every individual in and around Dehradun in Uttarakhand State. What began as a vision has turned into a reality today. To me as a healthcare professional, it is a matter of great pride to have established KSSH. The past 11 years have given an invaluable insight into the establishment, functioning and marketing of health-care all over Uttarakhand as well as India and abroad. The commencement of KSSH is my commitment to bring the latest world class technology in GI surgery and Advanced Laproscopic surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology within reach of common public. It began as a single specialty hospital and now KSSH has broadened its scope to become a multi-speciality hospital catering to all surgical and medical needs of our patients. I perceive KSSH as part of a larger cause to improve the total healthcare delivery system in Uttarakhand. I dedicate this hospital to people of my state and nation with a commitment that KSSH will continue its tradition of excellence in providing the best Healthcare facilities.


Developing an affordable and efficient healthcare system by balancing preventive and curative measures; and establishing Compassionate Doctor Patient relationship .


  1. To provide compassionate, skilled 4 innovative healthcare of the highest quality at an affordable cost.
  2. To promote health & prevent disease & to educate the public in this regard.
  3. To Faster discovery in science, medicine & healthcare.