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Everything You Need to Know About Hepatitis

July 23, 2024 By kanishk129 In Uncategorized
Everything You Need to Know About Hepatitis
Hepatitis is swelling of the liver, an important organ responsible for removing toxins from the body, helping digestion, and storing energy.  This condition can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) and can result from various causes, including viral infections, alcohol consumption, and few ...

What is menopause?

March 24, 2023 By kanishk129 In Hospitality
12 months of amenorrhea (no menses) after the final mensural period . where in there is complete or near complete depiction of ovarian follicles and decrease is female sex hormones ....

Runner’s itch Or Exercise Induced Urticaria

March 15, 2023 By kanishk129 In Hospitality
A common condition felt by runners or first time runners in weight losing program. Although itchiness can be arising due to various dermatological and other variety of physiological issues, we are discussing very common 2 reasons here for general understanding. ...

Diet after pregnancy

March 09, 2023 By kanishk129 In Hospitality
If you are breast feeding, the food you eat helps your baby grow strong and healthy, too good eating habits and exercise will help you lose the weight you gained......